Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Team Stonequarry Inaugural Ride

Did my first am ride with a guy I know (we coach together, etc.). Picked a 10 mile route with some hills and we set a pace that was "just right". "Just right" means we didn't want anymore by the time we rolled into home. Amazing how I can go 20 and be wiped out and then also be real tired on a 10 miler. Pace, hills, etc. can be manipulated to give a nice workout. We both have the goal of going about an hour in the morning and that's it. The 10 miler didn't take an hour but it was the first time on this route so we were pleased anyway. "Pleased" means we were happy there were no more hills.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Personal Best - Distance

I'm not counting 10 years ago on my goals/personal bests, I'm counting "this go 'round".

I've been off the bike for over a week. Son graduating (party, etc), coaching ball, work, etc.... so tonight I had a rare evening and decided to do at least 20 miles. 16+ was my old PR and that was when I was in a groove so busting out and doing 20 wasn't the smartest thing for me to do. Smart isn't my M.O. I had to ride through town (both ways) and it seemed like each time there was an opportunity for the worst case scenario of traffic and lights it was there. The only reason I care is to have a realistic baseline for time so I can have something to beat the next time I do the route.

I ended up doing 23.29 miles at at 12.2 mph pace. Considering all the stops I'm ok with it. At the half way point my legs were tired and I was reminded that I hadn't been consistently riding. When I finally rolled up to my house I was whupped. Painfully so.