Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Expanded Commute - Back Home Leg

The commute back home was pretty easy. The co-worker I rode in with was having great difficulties so I just plodded along with him. At one point when we stopped I told him his seat looked low. We chatted and he said he thought the entire frame was too small for him and after looking at it I agreed. He is about my height so I traded him bikes for a trial run. When I got on his bike and pedaled my first thought was "This sucks donkey ass!" as the seat was too low, tilted too far up in the front and generally not working for me. He on the hand felt like he was riding on silk it took so little effort to move. Reluctantly he gave me my bike back and I realized how freaking hard he was working just to get from point A to point B, let alone try and keep up with me (because I'm awesome).

Since we were slowed we got caught in the rain and was quickly soaked. I didn't personally care but I figured with how hard he worked and how soaked we were he deserved a beer. We stopped at a local join along the path and had a pitcher.

The entire commute for the day equaled 29.71 miles. Next I'll try leaving from my house and going for the full deal. That should kill me.

Expanded Commute - First Leg

First leg of expanded commute is over. 16.48 miles total which was no massive strain. The only issue was when my water bottle came out of the holder right as I was going to lean on a post waiting to cross a road. I leaned left to get it fully intending to put my left foot on the ground. However, as I continued to lean I realized my foot was in the recently installed toe cage and that there was a very good chance I was going to fall. As I continued to achieve a horizontal position I tried many things to get my foot out of the toe cage. None of them worked. I fell from the sidewalk into the street and then my foot slipped gently from the toe cage as if coated with butter. I got up quickly to avoid being killed by a vehicle and then took a quick inventory of the various scrapes I got from "the fall". One on the elbow, one on the outside of my calf. The other was on the inside of my other leg when it dug into the gear. I got back on my bike and continued onward.

At work I told a few people and we had a good laugh. They all agreed they wished they had witnessed it.

The ride back is going to be interesting but I suspect the worst will be that I will be extra tired tonight and tomorrow.

Expanded Commute Today

Today's commute didn't start at my house but where I would be meeting a co-worked whenever we go in together. From that point to shower and then to work it is around 16.5 miles. On the way home we would leave right from work so a few miles will be shaved off. The full there and back commute will double my daily miles so it will be interested to see how tired/sore I am later and tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'm considering doing something stupid tomorrow. Which kind of excites me. Last week's commute was about 6 miles each way and I met a co-worker part way there to start. I'm commuting into work again tomorrow and am thinking of backing the start point up to the 13 mile point. My longest since I've "been back on the bike" has been 15.x miles so the leg in isn't an issue. However..... riding back may destroy me.

Occasionally I like to do things which may destroy me to challenge myself. And since I won't be destroyed until I get back home I can lay on the floor and wish for death in peace.... and air conditioning.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cost / Savings of Commuting Calculator

I've created a spreadsheet to try and determine how much I save or how much it costs me to commute to/from work. I'm ignoring the "value" of the exercise itself for this exercise.

If I drove to/from work it would be a distance of 14.2 miles. If I rode my bike the whole way I would save 14.2 miles worth of fuel, vehicle wear/tear/maint and whatever else goes into that. Each day I ride in I look up the price of fuel and enter it into my spreadsheet. The way I have it now if I ride in the whole way and use today's fuel price ($3.799) I would save $5.187 each way for a total of $10.274. That's nice and all but how much do I spend to commute? I will buy a little rack for the back of my bike, I have increase wear/tear on the bike, etc. so that needs factored in as well.

Overall it is going to be a savings for sure.

First commute... done

I use endomondo to track my bike miles, pace, etc. Here is the workout I captured from the 6 mile partial commute: .

The bike path we were on was really nice and peaceful. It had trees on both sides, a river to the right, and a railroad track to the left. Typical of a "Rails To Trails" initiative many states have going. There was only about 1 mile where we had to share a road with traffic and there was room for us to safely ride and not interfere with traffic. We did have to get in a turn left lane but we hammered on the pedals and didn't cause anybody a problem. We will search for ways to stay off roads without adding significant distance but even if we don't improve that stretch it is acceptable.

We didn't push the pace today as we know we didn't have showers at work, that's getting arranged for during lunch today.

Morning Weight: 262.5lbs
Total miles: 6.85
Time: 30:52
Avg Speed: 11.4
Miles Saved Versus Driving: 4.1

Commuting.... almost

Recently I dusted off my bike and started to ride. I have only a few hours each week to actually exercise so I decided to get out and ride at night. It's working out well as I am on bike paths that nobody else is on and I'm able to get out about three nights a week. As I've built some miles I've been thinking about doing partial and eventually full commutes to work. After some this and that myself and a co-worker met and did the last six mile (or so) into work. It felt good.

Today is also "Ride Your Bike To Work Day". I didn't know this until my wife pointed it out this morning as I was getting ready to .... ride my bike to work.