Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Expanded Commute - First Leg

First leg of expanded commute is over. 16.48 miles total which was no massive strain. The only issue was when my water bottle came out of the holder right as I was going to lean on a post waiting to cross a road. I leaned left to get it fully intending to put my left foot on the ground. However, as I continued to lean I realized my foot was in the recently installed toe cage and that there was a very good chance I was going to fall. As I continued to achieve a horizontal position I tried many things to get my foot out of the toe cage. None of them worked. I fell from the sidewalk into the street and then my foot slipped gently from the toe cage as if coated with butter. I got up quickly to avoid being killed by a vehicle and then took a quick inventory of the various scrapes I got from "the fall". One on the elbow, one on the outside of my calf. The other was on the inside of my other leg when it dug into the gear. I got back on my bike and continued onward.

At work I told a few people and we had a good laugh. They all agreed they wished they had witnessed it.

The ride back is going to be interesting but I suspect the worst will be that I will be extra tired tonight and tomorrow.

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